Pablo Mardones Charlone




Pablo Mardones Charlone


Director of Photography (DP) with specialization in recording with DSLR cameras (Digital Single Lens Reflex) from the Professional Training Centre (CFP) from the Argentine Film Industry Union (SICA) (2010-2013). Trained in: Ethnographic Video and Cinema and in Documentary Camera and Lighting in the Documentary Makers Movement (2005), and Editing and Staging, Documentary Cinema, Script and Camera Monitor Assistant in the CFP of SICA (2006 – 2009). Doctor (Ph.D.) in Social Anthropology (2016) and Master in International Migration Policies (2013) from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Social Anthropologist from the University of Chile (2004). Specialized in Anthropological Audiovisual, expert in participative audiovisual methodologies and director of ethnographic documentary film.

Currently he directs the Fondecyt project “Ethnification, ethnogenesis, communalization and border processes in traditional Aymara festivals in the Tarapaca region” (Nº 3180333) from 2018 to 2021 in the Institute of International studies (INTE) of Arturo Prat University (UNAP) in Iquique, north of Chile, and is Co-Director of the Fondecyt project “The Boundaries of Gender Violence: Female Migrant Experiences in South American Border Territories” (Nº 1190056) from 2019 to 2023 (

In 2006 he founded ALPACA (Latin America: Projects associated with Cinema and Anthropology: a production and audiovisual company that he has directed from the start. Here he has made a series of documentaries dedicated to culture, identity, and the indigenous and afro-descendant cosmovision, focusing on the processes of international migration, social memory and the processes of constructing race. He is also a professional photographer: His career as a researcher and director has centered on telling the stories of indigenous communities and international migrants in rural villages, border contexts and big cities, and their experiences of integration and recognition in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru.

Combining film and anthropology, the proposal of documentary language stimulates the development of Audiovisual Anthropology (AAV), a discipline that includes cultural production understood as the control exercised by communities or human groups over that cultural production, which can range from community self-portraits, collectively produced audiovisual products created by people whose identities conflict with certain expressions of dominant cultures. In this way, the use of anthropological video is proposed as a catalyzing tool for autonomous and self-managed cultural production. Its aim is to create products that benefit diverse communities and vulnerable groups. Based on this it takes a collaborative approach that seeks to demonopolize the classic ethnographic view and at the same time, stimulate a process of reflection-action in which the camera acts as medium between the speakers and performers. The documentaries and photographic series have been financed by various research, culture and art funds and have been widely distributed throughout Latina American and other regions.

He ran the seminar “The Thinking Camera”, which took place in the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts in the University of Buenos Aires from 2012 to 2014, and in the Faculty of Anthropology of the Meritorious Autonomous University of  Puebla in 2015, in the Aula Magna of the National University of Tierra del Fuego in 2016 and in the Institute of International Studies  (INTE) of Arturo Prat University (UNAP), Iquique, Chile.

He is an associate member of the Ethnographic Audiovisual Archive (AEA) of the Faculty of Social Science of the University of Chile. He has developed training and extension activities in the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), which include teaching documentary workshops and professional audiovisual training. He taught the seminar “Audiovisual Strategies in Social Philosphy” in the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of UBA and is currently Professor of the courses “Qualitative Approaches” and “Gender, Ethnicity, Work and Border Mobility” in the Master in International Relations and Border Studies (MARIET) at Arturo Prat University (UNAP).


Director de Fotografía (DF) en el Centro de Formación Profesional (CFP) del Sindicato de la Industria de Cinematrográfica Argentina (SICA) (2011-2012).

Formado en Cine y Video Etnográfico y Cámara e Iluminación Documental en el Movimiento de Documentalistas (2005) y en Edición y Montaje, Cine Documental, Guion y Ayudante y Monitor de cámara en el Centro de Formación Profesional (CFP) del Sindicato de la Industria de Cinematrográfica Argentina (SICA) (2006 – 2009).

En 2012 realizó un seminario de especialización en grabación con cámaras DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex).

Antropólogo Social de la Universidad de Chile, Magister en Políticas de Migraciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Doctor en Antropología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

En 2007 realizó el Diplomado “Migraciones y Praxis Intercultural: Construyendo diálogos entre culturas del Programa de Entrenamiento Intercultural (PEI)” de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2007).

Dicta el Seminario “La Cámara que Piensa”, el cual se llevó a cabo en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires entre 2012 y 2014, en la Facultad de Antropología de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla en 2015 y en el Aula Magna de la Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego en 2016.